Insights Into How Our Legal System Works

Insights Into How Our Legal System Works

The Role Of A Civil Litigation Lawyer

by Yolanda Lane

Law can be a very perplexing field for the average citizen. Everyone knows that law plays an extremely important role in society, but the focus of the media is often on the role of the criminal lawyer. Surprisingly, you are far more likely to need the services of a civil litigation lawyer rather those of a criminal lawyer. Here are a couple of categories of lawsuits that you are likely to encounter and exactly how a civil litigation lawyer can help you out with them:


The main area of civil litigation lawyer expertise is lawsuits. There are many different kinds of lawsuits because there are many different areas of life in which the need might arise for a court to mediate an argument or disagreement. A failure to pay alimony, discrimination at the workplace, personal injuries, and intellectual property infringements are all valid grounds for lawsuits.

  • Alimony Disagreements - After many divorces, alimony is ordered by the court. In some cases, that alimony is not paid for one reason or another. A lawsuit could potentially arise from either side of this issue. The more common legal complaint is that alimony is not being paid as the court ordered. However, a lawsuit could arise from the other party, arguing that the alimony is exploitative or no longer financially needed. With a good civil litigation lawyer and a good case, you can win your alimony lawsuit.
  • Workplace Discrimination - Although we may like to think that we live in an age after racism and sexism, such prejudices continue to exist. If you feel that you are being unduly discriminated against in your workplace for any reason, ranging from your ethnicity to your gender to your age, you might be able to sue your employer for reparations.
  • Personal Injuries - One of the most popular types of lawsuits is the personal injury lawsuit. If you were hurt by medical negligence, defective products, or a range of other scenarios and you wish to press charges, a personal injury lawsuit is often your best bet. A civil litigation lawyer can win you damages for your injuries, whether psychological or physical, and help you pursue lost wage compensation.
  • Intellectual Property Infringements - Finally, civil litigation lawyers can even help you with your intellectual copyright complaint. Whether you have a trademark, patent, or copyright, your lawyer can help prevent infringements and pursue damages in order to maintain the control of your intellectual property. Click here for additional info.


About Me

Insights Into How Our Legal System Works

Hello, I'm Christina Miller. Have you ever been fascinated with why the law works the way it does? Ever since I was in junior high, I had an intense interest in anything related to our legal system, whether it be a crime drama on television, a judge show or a legal case covered on the news. I followed it all. As time progressed, I began learning about how the actual legal system worked and not just the fictionalized version of our legal system. This has lead me to start writing my own blog posts about law that I hope will help others.
