The most dangerous time when it comes to a relationship where domestic violence is present is when you are getting ready to leave. That means that you are going to have to be very careful while you are making your plans and when you leave. You want to do everything you can to make sure that it goes as smoothly and safely as possible, especially if you have children. So, what are some things that you can do to make sure that you are safe?
Protective Order
One of the things that you can do is to arrange to get a protective order. These orders are legal documents that have a list of conditions that your ex-significant other has to abide by. If you are going to get a protective order, you want to make sure that it doesn't get served until you are out of the house and in a safe place. Having it served prior to that can tip your house and may make your partner angrier. Also, you want to make sure that you have someone to serve the order for you. You don't want to be the one who hands the order to your former partner. There are services that will serve the protective order for you, and they can do it safely with no risk to you.
Safe Space
Another thing that you are going to need to have is a safe space to go to. If at all possible, you want to try to make sure that this safe place is a place that your former significant other doesn't know about. You don't want to be easily reachable. That space may be some kind of shelter for people in a relationship where there is domestic violence, an apartment you were able to set up under another name, or a friend's space. It may not be possible to totally be in a place where your partner won't know where you are, but the closer you can get to that, the better off you are going to be when it comes to your safety. Your attorney may be able to help you with finding a safe house or shelter to go to.
If you are going to be leaving your partner who has been violent towards you, you want to make sure that you are doing everything to be as safe as possible since that is the most dangerous time in the relationship.
Contact an attorney like Roseline D. Feral Attorney at Law for more information.
Hello, I'm Christina Miller. Have you ever been fascinated with why the law works the way it does? Ever since I was in junior high, I had an intense interest in anything related to our legal system, whether it be a crime drama on television, a judge show or a legal case covered on the news. I followed it all. As time progressed, I began learning about how the actual legal system worked and not just the fictionalized version of our legal system. This has lead me to start writing my own blog posts about law that I hope will help others.