Insights Into How Our Legal System Works

Insights Into How Our Legal System Works

  • Too Old For This! 3 Sneaky Tactics Employers Use To Eliminate Older Employees

    If you're growing well into your senior years but are still part of the workforce, you have a few more concerns that come along with your age. In fact, one survey showed that 48 percent of individuals claim they've either witnessed discrimination because of age or they've been on the receiving end of discrimination in the workplace. Even though you have the right to fair treatment at work regardless of your age, some businesses and employers will use underhanded tactics to try to push aging employees out of the way.

  • Bailing Someone Out Of Jail For The First Time? What Will Happen If They Make A Bail Jump

    Approximately 70,000 criminals jump bail each year, which is the equivalent to 1,200 per week. When you bail someone out of jail, they must appear at their scheduled court hearing. If they do not appear, this is known as bail jumping. Below is some information about how a bail bond works, and what happens if the person in jail fails to appear in court. Bail Bond When someone is arrested a bond is set.

  • Be An Advocate: 4 Steps To Ensure That Your Child's IEP Is Followed

    If your child has been approved for special education services at their school, you'll need to familiarize yourself with their IEP. The IEP, or Individualized Education Program, is the contract your school district enters into with you and it contains all the services your child will receive throughout the school year. Once your child has an IEP, it's important that you become their first line of defense: their educational advocate. By maintaining your position as your child's educational advocate, you'll be able to ensure that they receive all the services they're entitled to.

  • Wills: Only Part Of A Full Estate Package

    Wills have always been the centerpiece of an estate plan, but an estate plan that contains only a will and nothing else may not be the best choice, especially when it comes to providing convenience and expediency for your beneficiaries. There are a number of legal means that can help keep some of your property out of probate, and even the best-written wills have limitations. For more information about what a will can and cannot do, read on.

  • Faqs About Selecting An Executor

    Part of estate planning is choosing an executor to manage your final affairs. Whether or not you were aware of it, there are rules that govern who can serve as your executor. If you fail to choose a proper executor, your affairs might be mismanaged or there could be challenges to your final wishes. Here is what you need to know about choosing an executor.  Who Cannot Be an Executor?

About Me

Insights Into How Our Legal System Works

Hello, I'm Christina Miller. Have you ever been fascinated with why the law works the way it does? Ever since I was in junior high, I had an intense interest in anything related to our legal system, whether it be a crime drama on television, a judge show or a legal case covered on the news. I followed it all. As time progressed, I began learning about how the actual legal system worked and not just the fictionalized version of our legal system. This has lead me to start writing my own blog posts about law that I hope will help others.
